Wednesday, June 06, 2007

On the grounds that someone who isn't someone I know read my blog and liked it, I'm back.

Alright, I'm back, but I'm lazy as ever.

Yes, I have exams I should be revising for, there are women that should be sucking my cock, when they do so, I shall revise.

I am posting because of something absolutely legendary I was linked to by a friend.


Seriously, this guy deserves a medal, or three, or perhaps 42. (Bonus points if you get the reference)

In other news, the computer's going to the shop to get mega upgrades. My parents are completely convinced that these upgrades are absolutely necessary for the basic workings of my computer.

Yes I certainly need 2 gigs of RAM and a pimped out graphics card to run Word. I certainly don't need it to play WoW, nope, never.

So all in all, I am a happy panda. If by happy you mean moderately satisfied. If by moderately satisfied you mean irritated. If by irritated you mean fucking pissed off that the IB guys are busy having buttsecks whilst I am stuck with my exams finishing in a month's time.

Those women still haven't come to suck my cock yet...